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Privacy Policy

The basics

About Safeguarding is a trading name of About Consulting Group Ltd. In these terms we’ll refer to ourselves by various names (“Company”, “we”, “us” or “our”) but it’ll always mean the same thing. We respect the privacy of our customers, and we do all we can to maintain that privacy. Luckily, we don’t need to collect much in the way of personal information, but it’s still important for us to be clear about what we do collect and how we use it.

This document fills you in on how we’ll look after your personal data when you visit our website, regardless of the country from which you’re visiting us. It’ll also give you some insight into the relevant law and the protection in place for your benefit.

Why bother with a privacy notice?

Well, as we’ve said, we take your privacy seriously. This notice gives you information on how we’ll collect your data when you use our website and our learning management system. This includes the data we collect when you use our learning management system, register for our newsletter, buy something from us or make use of any free product we might offer from time to time.

It might seem dry, but it’s still important for you to read this document and understand it. From time to time, we might also provide you with other notices about your privacy and that’ll be important too. You’ve been warned!

Of course, nothing stays the same forever, and we might need to make changes to our Privacy Notice from time to time. If we do, we’ll update it on the website so you should check back to make sure you’re always aware of our most recent policy.

For information, this policy was published in January 2022.

Data Controller

In law, someone who processes your personal data is known as a Data Controller. For About Safeguarding, the Data Controller is About Consulting Group Ltd – the legal entity. We have a Data Protection Officer (DPO) appointed within the organisation and that person handles any questions you might have around this Privacy Notice, including any requests you might make to exercise your legal rights. He’s an approachable chap, so please don’t hesitate to contact him if you’ve got queries. His full contact details are:

  • About Consulting Group Ltd,
  • 1 North Street, Mears Ashby, Northants, NN6 0DW.
  • Name or title of DPO: Jon Dunckley
  • Email address:
  • Telephone: 07427 662933

Of course, you can use any of these contact details, but we prefer email if it’s all the same to you, just so we’ve got a record of everything.

Your personal information – what do we need and how do we use it?

A couple of important things to get started. Firstly, we will only collect personally identifiable data if you voluntarily give it to us. Secondly, we’ll only ever take the minimum data we need to provide you with a service, and finally we’ll only use it for legitimate reasons.  The sort of things we need this data for include:

  • Helping to facilitate your purchase of our services
  • Giving you the services that you’ve paid for
  • Getting in touch with you to tell you about changes to the services we’re providing or for marketing purposes to tell you about services you might be interested in
  • To keep our files in order
  • For analysis – this includes your learning, exam and test scores and how you use our website and learning platform.

You can always tell us not to contact you, and we’ll stop. We certainly don’t want to be a nuisance.

We don’t collect your life story! The mind of things we might need to collect include the following, though it’s important to say that in most cases we won’t collect most of this:

  • Data about who you are – your name, username or other identifier, title and where relevant date of birth and gender
  • Data about contacting you – this might include your billing address if you want a specific type of invoice, your email address and potentially your home address and / or phone number.
  • Data about your kit – this is the more technical side of things. We might need to collect your internet protocol (IP) address, your login data, browser type and version, time zone setting and location, browser plug-in types and versions, operating system and platform and other technology on the devices you use to access this website. This information helps our technical team ensure you get the best use of our products
  • Data about your profile – this will be things like your username and password, products you’ve purchased any preferences you’ve saved and any feedback you’ve sent us, or correspondence that’s passed between us.
  • Data about how you’ve used our services – here we mean things like how you use our website and learning management system and any products you’ve bought or tried.
  • Data for getting in touch and marketing – we’ll keep a record if you’ve opted to receive information from us or if you’ve opted not to hear from us again. We want to make sure we do as we’re asked


Giving your personal information to other organisations

We won’t sell your personal data unless we’re selling all, or part, of the business and the new owner needs that data to continue to provide services.  Aside from selling the company, we will only give your personal data to a third party in very limited circumstances where the third party is involved in providing the services to you:

  • Stripe – Stripe is a payment gateway used to securely transact any purchases from our website
  • Mailchimp – this is an email and communication tool we use to keep in touch with our customers and prospective customers
  • Coassemble– this is the learning management system we use – it’s where you’ll access and run your e-learning courses
  • Google analytics – We use google analytics to track various statistics within our website
  • If you’re accessing our services via your employer, we might be required to report back on your progress. This could include your completion of courses, scores and use of the platform.

Keeping you safe

We’ve done all we can to ensure that your data remains safe. We use an external payment processing system to ensure we don’t touch any of your financial details and we employ high standards of data protection in our offices.

You’ve got rights…

The Data Protection law in the UK gives you the right to ask for a copy of any data we hold about you. We won’t charge for doing this unless you make repeated requests that we regard as unreasonable. Then we’ll ask you to pay a small fee to cover the cost of gathering the data together.

Your rights include:

  • Asking for a copy of your personal data – you can see what we hold and check we’re using it lawfully
  • Asking us to correct any wrong information – if we’re holding incorrect or incomplete data, you can have us put it right
  • Asking us to erase your personal data – if you want us to ‘forget you’, you can ask us to delete all your personal data from our records and if there’s no lawful reason that we need to keep it, we’ll do so.
  • Asking us to stop processing your personal data – for example, to stop contacting you for marketing reasons. In some, very rare, instances we might tell you that we need to keep processing your data for a compelling ‘legitimate interest’ but in the vast majority of cases, we’ll just stop.
  • Asking us to stop processing your personal data ‘for now’ – you can ask us to put a pause on processing your data, but not delete it.
  • Asking us to transfer your personal data to someone else – although a legal right, this won’t really apply to our services. This is more commonly associated with moving between financial institutions, for instance.
  • Telling us you’ve changed your mind – it’s your right to change your mind and if you’ve consented for us to process your data, you can always tell us you have had second thoughts. This won’t mean we’ve done wrong by processing your data before that point, but it will mean that we’ll stop from then on. Of course, this could mean that we can no longer provide you with services too, we’ll let you know if that’s the case.

At any point, you can stop your subscription to any product we offer. To do so, just let us know you no longer want the service, either by email ( or in writing to About Consulting Group Ltd, 1 North Street, Mears Ashby, Northants NN6 0DW.

We like cookies

Cookies are useful little things and we do make use of them. You’re probably aware that a cookie is a small piece of data that gets stored on a user’s computer that contains information about that user. This makes it easier for us to interact with each other. A cookie doesn’t let us into your computer, we can’t get hold of anything and it won’t put a virus into your computer, it’ll just make using our services a little easier.

You can accept or decline cookies – entirely your choice. These days, it is common for web browsers to automatically accept cookies, but it is also normal for you to be able to modify your settings to change this. That way, once you close your browser, the cookie terminates.

The bottom line is that cookies are mainly there to make it easier and quicker for you when you come back to our website in the future.