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The Importance of Investigations: From Law Enforcement to Disciplinary and Grievance Contexts.
Written by Anne-Marie McAteer
About Safeguarding Associate
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Having worked as a Frontline Detective in law enforcement for the past 24 years, conducting many complex investigations, I understand the critical importance of getting it right as an investigator. Although I have now left the police service, my commitment to the integrity of the investigative process remains unchanged.
Investigations serve many sectors, not just law enforcement. While certain elements vary depending on the context, all investigations should follow a systematic process aimed at uncovering facts, establishing evidence, and highlighting key principles and methodologies. Beyond identifying wrongdoings, investigations also play a role in determining best practices and uncovering lessons learned.. Regardless of the context, investigations must be conducted impartially, fairly, and with strong ethical considerations.
Since transitioning from criminal investigations to the disciplinary and grievance arena, I’ve found that while the context may differ, the core investigative principles remain the same. My goal is no longer to solve crimes and identify offenders, but rather to uncover the truth, seek clarity, and determine any wrongdoing or actionable lessons. The fundamental principles of investigation—impartiality, evidence-based conclusions, and thoroughness—are consistent across fields. As an investigator, it is crucial to remain objective and avoid biases, with conclusions grounded in the available evidence. Protecting the privacy and integrity of those involved is also a key responsibility, as well as adhering to the ethical standards required to ensure investigations are not compromised.
While my shift from criminal investigations to disciplinary and grievance investigations required adaptation, many of my methods have remained the same. I still rely on standard investigative techniques such as interviewing the accused, speaking with witnesses and experts, reviewing documents to uncover relevant information, and, when necessary, visiting locations to gather on-site evidence.
Each investigation brings its own unique challenges. Accessing information can be difficult due to legal restrictions, privacy concerns, technical issues, or uncooperative witnesses. Time constraints also pose a significant challenge, as they can increase pressure while still requiring thoroughness and accuracy. Some investigations are more complex than others, raising ethical dilemmas where professional judgment is key to maintaining the highest standards.
In conclusion, investigations are essential for ensuring justice, transparency, and accountability. Adhering to investigative principles can be challenging, but it is vital to maintain the integrity of the process. Investigations help create a fairer and more informed society, benefiting everyone involved.
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